Nicola Caprini


Art & Design


Nicola Caprini born in Pistoia on 10 March 1975.Creator of his TeatroSporadico which also transforms into Aphorism and Sporadic Drawing when he writes or draws self-taught.Sporadic theatre: a completely innovative way of doing theater (as well as a lifestyle), conceived and constantly implemented by Nicola who declares himself an "Actor of Life"Attention: we are not talking about "classical" style theatre, we are not talking about "scripts to follow". Rather, we are talking about a free, sporadic theatre, full of emotions, naturalness and freedom.“There is no need to teach acting” says Nicola, affirming the beauty of his way of acting which, every time, allows him to experience an absolute sense of freedom and to capture the predominant emotions in the audience.His is an emotional story, which teaches us to "relocate and transform pain", because "even from pain a smile can be born".Sporadic theater is therefore a new way of being in the world, and Nicolas is a truly exciting world, a world that he does not want to keep to himself, but that he wants to share with anyone who wants to enter and enrich it.